Saturday, March 19, 2011

Twitter: Turns five and tweeting

Twitter a micro blogging site, where you can put your blog or you can say you thought or whatever you in your mind in 140 character only. Very popular social network site today turns five year old and going strong. As of today they claim they have around 200 million registered user in twitter. has been launch in March 2006 since then its popularity grown like anything. Today you will get all your friends, all the popular personality in twitter like actor, sport person, businessman, politician .Its a great medium to connect to your friends and to make friends.

Today we have many social networking sites, and all these social networking sites are very popular among youth. Twitter has unique features; it needs not to be friends to send mail our tweet to other person. You can write whatever you want to the other person’s wall or send you message you have to jus follow the person. If your following the person his all the tweet will comes to you twitter page automatically. In the case of other social networking site you to first send friend request, if he or she accept your request then only you can write anything to his page. Like twitter we have facebook, orkut, myspace etc. these are primarily most popular site. In twitter we can find many film stars, politician, business man states their statement. It has breach the gap between film star and fan. Film star can reach to their fan easily and give their daily life update, about their upcoming film, their add film etc. basically it’s a great marketing forum. People can market their product easily and free of cost. Now days a film is it trending topic in twitter, film producer, director actor try to create buzz in twitter. If they want to send any message to media or fan they do it in their twitter page.

When internet first comes into the world it was a revolutionary invention, similarly these kind of social networking site are revolutionary in internet. It has changed the internet completely. Now days number of internet user are increasing day by day and so popularity of these kinds of social networking sites. Marketing has been change after these kinds of site. Companies doing their products marketing in these sites create lots of buzz about their products as they used to do in newspaper and TV channels. TV and newspapers are still their but after these social networking site has changed the scenario.Now days in Middle East countries lot of uprising are happenings and twitter and face book are playing great role. For any kind of news no need to switch on your TV or news paper just log in to twitter or face book you will get all the latest happening in the world, ether it any political movement any sport event or any film promotion or any kind of big news small news. Twitter and facebook has change the information age, it really fast and furious.

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