Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Brand called You

The Brand called You

If you're going to get anywhere in business, you need people to take you seriously.According to the research, you can increase your credibility with the right presentation, knowledge, and people skills.
1. Let people talk about themselves.
Here's a secret to making a good impression: Let people talk about themselves. According to Harvard research, talking about yourself stimulates the same brain regions as sex or a good meal. "Activation of this system when discussing the self suggests that self-disclosure ... may be inherently pleasurable," Scientific American reports. And when people talk about their experiences, they become more vulnerable to one another, and when they become more vulnerable to one another, they form social bonds and co-invest in one another's welfare. 
2. Dress the part.
"Appearance is our first filter," says Sylvia Ann Hewlett, author of the book "Executive Presence." "And it's happening all the time. "Princeton researchers have found that it takes about 100 milliseconds to register a first impression, or as long as a hummingbird flaps its wings. "The really good news here is that it's about polish, grooming, and being put together," Hewlett says. "It's not about the precise shape of your body, texture of your hair, or the designer you wear."You don't have to wear a gray suit all the time, she says. Instead, pay attention to how the best-dressed people in your organization and industry put themselves together, then pattern after them. 
3. Master the handshake.
A strong handshake isn't a matter of squeezing somebody's paw. It's a matter of presence.Esquire's Tom Chiarella details how to exude it: On the street, in the lobby, square your shoulders to people you meet. Make a handshake matter — eye contact, good grip, elbow erring toward a right angle. Do not pump the hand, unless the other person is insistent on just that. Then pump the hell out of their hand. Smile. If you can't smile, you can't be gracious. You aren't some dopey English butler. You are you.A handshake like that shows that you're paying respect to the person you're talking to, and as science has confirmed, giving respect gets respect. 
4. Keep your posture expansive.
Your posture has a huge effect on the way you feel, the way you present yourself, and how other people receive your presence. For instance, if you do the standard "power pose" of keeping your shoulders open and arms wide, that will tell your hormone system to release the chemicals needed to make you look and feel more confident. "If you take an expansive pose, it can actually lead to power," MIT professor Andy Yap tells Business Insider. 
5. Know what's going on in the world.
The best-selling game developer Valve likes to hire "T-shaped" employees, meaning they have deep expertise in one area coupled with interest across a range of subjects. That pattern can be expanded to anybody's career. If you work in business, then "be up to speed on changes in your industry so you can speak about them intelligently," says Roberta Matuson. The "Suddenly in Charge" author recommends reading business news daily "so you can speak intelligently on business matters."But you need a broad base of knowledge, too — so keep up with science, tech, and popular culture. 
6. Be ridiculously prepared.
"Ignorance is one of the professional world's least respectable traits — if not the worst," Roberto Rocha writes at AskMen. "If you want your ideas to count, be better informed than everyone else."In other words, you need to develop a ridiculously deep knowledge of your subject area. Executives like Marissa Mayer and Elon Musk are known for pulling apart any idea that gets pitched their way. Count on the pitches you make to be scrutinized, and have your arguments prepared ahead of time.It's a matter of "embodying your intellectual horsepower," says Hewlett.
7. Tell people stories.
Numbers impress — but they're not enough to connect with people. Take it from TED Talks: The most successful presentations are about 65% stories and 25% figures, with the remainder an explanation of your credibility. Sheryl Sandberg realized this just before giving her groundbreaking TED Talk in 2010. "I was planning to give a speech chock full of facts and figures, and nothing personal," she said in an interview.But before she went on stage, a friend stopped her, saying that she looked out of sorts. Sandberg said that as she was leaving home that day, her daughter was tugging at her leg, asking her not to go. Why not tell that story, her friend asked her. Sandberg listened — and launched a movement.
8. Watch your tone.
If you say a statement with the intonation of a question, that's called "upspeak."If you're ending your sentences with a higher tone than you began with, then you'll sound unsure of what you're saying — even if you're really not. In a recent survey, 57% of 700 professionals said that they think that upspeak makes people sound less credible. "The numbers speak for themselves," says strategy consultant Bernard Marr. "Upspeak has no place at work. If you would like a thriving career, then simply don't do it!"  
9. Stay confident — and humble.
Venture capitalist and "Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur and Build a Great Business" coauthor Anthony K. Tjan says that garnering respect requires marrying humility to confidence. "You need enough self-confidence to command the respect of others, but that needs to be counter-balanced with knowing that there is much you simply don't know," he writes. "Humility is the path towards earning respect, while self-confidence is the path towards commanding it."Bonus: The more you know what you don't know, the more eager you'll be to learn. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

करीब इतना रहो

करीब इतना रहो के रिश्तो में प्यार रह
दूर भी इतना ही रहे की आने का इंतज़ार रहे
रखो उम्मीद रिश्तो के दरमियान इतनी
की टूट जाए उम्मीद मगर रिश्ते बरकरार रहे!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mission impossible Kumara Paravatha

Chandru NM, Nagarajan, YSN Sastry, Jayraman Ravi, Zahid Imran, Prabhu S, Rupak Hazra, Arunoday DasGupta, Mangal Modi
Day 1 20th January 2012
Let’s begin the journey
Not long back week before this journey we decided to go for a trek but big question was there where to go? We narrow down tusker valley in Neelgiri hill and we all were ready for tusker valley but after two days it got cancelled due to some issue with organizer, but we were very much sure to go for trek in this coming weekend. Again we started searching for the new destination, and then our trek leader Chandru sir suggested all of us to Kumar Paravatha near Kuke Subhrayamanyam 300 KM away from Bangalore city. All done everybody accepted the proposal and all are ready to conquer Kumar Paravatha. We explored many sites, blogs which having the information about the Kumar Paravatha. we only got to know that this is not going to be easy and our leader Chandru sir said this second level of trekking but we are not going to stop now. Some people were bit hesitated but most of us were excited and very much spirited to do trekking. After doing all the preparation for four to five days, the journey day has come. Friday 20th of January 2012 night 10:00 PM we started our journey from Bangalore. We had booked one tempo traveler for full journey going to Kuke and coming back to Bangalore. Nine people's team and everybody’s luggage plus all the tent stuff tempo was perfect to accommodate all these things. In the beginning of journey everybody was very cheerful and enthusiastic, shouting and cheering for a long time then slept after an hour journey. In sort we started journey with good note.
Day 2 21st January 2012
Bow to God Kuke Subrahmanyam
Next day early morning 5:30 AM we reached Kuke Subrahmanyam, got one room in the lodge. Lodge Name was V Sadananda, it was not that great but ok. Everybody had bath and got ready to bow to God Kuke Subrahmanyam and get blessing. we reached temple around 8:00 AM. Very sacred and old temple, God Kuke Subrahmanyam is very is avatar of God Karthik son of Lord Mahadev Shiva. Behind the temple scenery was so beautiful all around hills and more hills. After God’s blessing we had good breakfast and then took all the carry bag tents and start walking towards the trekking point. Around two KM from the temple we got the trekking starting point.
Sri Ganesh (starting) of trekking
After Lords blessing and breakfast we started the trekking at 9:30 AM. Nearby the trekking point we found few houses. One path like small road was there from temple to the trekking point, the road was about 2 KM from the temple. We all stopped before started climbing up for group photo. We got one group of young college guys at the starting point only, we started together only but they passed us within few minutes of time, they were too fast, like running in the plane area. We could never get them again but we had our own speed. Again Chandru sir was leading us. From very beginning we got the indication what we are up to, it was steep and steeper. After covering around 100 meters and we took our first break, had drinks and many photos. we covered only few meter guys common we have to go long away. It took a while to warm up our body and then we picked up our speed.
In middle of Jungle
Tired but reached only fraction to the trek, what we covered only half KM and tired oh god how we are going to reach the top, got doubt in mind but no we have to walk and walk up. After many small break we covered somewhere around one KM. It was deep forest, various kind of trees, big trees, small trees; tired but beautiful scenery, people we keep taking picture and small breaks. On the way we found another group of guys and girls, we had little chit chat with them, they also like us from Bangalore and were working in some companies like Accenture and Convergys. We could say we were faster than them. We have overtaken them after some time. I believe since they had some girls in the group they couldn’t walk as fast as we were. Any way was good to see people in the mid of the jungle and have some little chat.

Not yet reach first stop
Where are we? somewhere in middle of the jungle, we got to know from few young local guys that where is one small water stream is there, little away from the pathway. Everybody went there took little bit of rest. Our two of very active and fit guys Chandru and Prabhu jumped into the small pool. On that same point we saw one old couple with their grand children was also coming. We were amazed to see their fitness, they were not first timer, before this they have trekked this several time. We got little inspiration from them and started walking again. It was getting steeper and steeper. And after some time we reached some point where we could see the down Kuke Subrahmanyam temple, great view. Got some kind of believe that we can do this.

Bhattara Mane
Bhattara Mane Bhatt’s house one of the most talk placed throughout the journey, this was our first major halt and it was six KM from the starting point of the hill. we reached there at 2:30 PM. We all were very tired. We found many people are already there having their lunch, we waited for some time to join everybody from our team. We had our lunch at 3:00 PM. Food was very normal food rice and shambhar but after walking six KM in the mountain you feel like nothing less than like having lunch in five star hotel. And took little bit of rest, would say kind of nap. It was only house in middle of no men’s land, mud house all around hills and trees. Many paper trees were there planted by the owner of the house. We saw some banana trees as well. House was equip with solar electricity.
At 3:30 PM Started for the next stop Kallu Mandapa, quite a high from where we started, 10 KM from the base. Walking was getting tougher and tougher, it was not forest anymore only hill with rocks all the way. Sun was not too hot but enough hot for getting us tired and exhaust. After some time light started fading during this period we managed to cover some good amount of distance. Finally we reached Mandapa at 5:30 PM. Kallu means rock in Kannada, Madapa made with big rocks only. We put our tent little down the Mandapa. We put four tents there. Three for 2-2 and one for 3 people. There was one little water stream near to our tent, it made life little easier. It was some kind of different feeling all together, we are staying at top of the mountain in night, many of us had never done this before. It was quite a experience. It was pitch dark night.
Bonfire and Maggie
After making all the tent arrangement and little bit of relaxation and some kind of snacks break started preparing for bonfire. Collected wood from nearby and with the help of petrol we lit the bonfire. Prabhu got Maggie for all of us, He, Ravi and Zahid prepared Maggie.8:00pm now it was time for dinner, Maggie, chapatti, bread, some fruits , juice and sweets were on the dinner menu for all of us. After dinner we had started discussion about the journey so far, everybody gave their experience so far. it was not that cold as we expected, it was very much manageable. We were so tired as soon as we enter into the tent immediately went into the dream. it was around 9:00 PM
Day 3 22nd January 2012
Early morning walk
Got up early morning, it was still dark time was 6:00 AM. Today no bathroom we have to go in open. Everybody got fresh up and had breakfast. Morning was quite refreshing after yesterday tiredness. All were ready to go for THE PEAK of Kumar Parvatha. We thought of starting early but it took a while to get ready and breakfast. We decided to put all our laugage in one tent. It was one of best decision we took there. Taking all the tent and bags would have been difficult for us. By 8:00AM we started for the peak.

Final destination
After few KM trekking we reached one peak,is this the final peak but no it was not our final destination it was Seshagiri peak. Panoramic view from there, we were already into the cloud and all around hills. From this peak we got to see the Kumara Paravatha peak. Zoom and Jump to reach the peak, wish we could but no we have to walk through all the way to the top. Towards Kumara Paravatha peak we got little down from the Seshgiri peak. It was again deep forest. On the way we got one more water stream and that was the last water stream before reaching the ultimate peak. It was final steep path to cross, through rock we climbed up, now then it got easier only 200 meter more to walk.

The final Destination Kumara Paravatha
All the two days struggle and tiredness we forget the moment we reach the peak of Kumara Paravatha THE FINAL DESTINATION, reached at 11:00 AM. We all reached there almost together. At the peak there is one small Lord Shiva temple, we took lord Shiva blessing. Cheers to full team we conquered one the toughest trekking in the Karnataka. There was one Death Valley, from there view was awesome, no word to describe the beauty of nature. We were so humbled by seeing this nature creation, felt very small in front of nature. We could see cloud was running to catch each other, we can touch and feel the cloud running around us. We stayed there till 12:00 PM. From Kallu Mandapa to Kumar Parvatha it was approx four KM.

Trekking down
After taking snap as many as possible and from all the corner from the peak and bit of relaxation we decided to climb down to Mandapa. There was bit of panic in our group when Zahid got off trek from our group but nothing bad happen to us, he was safe and joined the group after some kind of hustle and nervousness. It took one hour to get down till madapa. 2:30PM we started from there to Bhattara mane. We reached mane at 3:30pm, had lunch there and started from there around 4:30PM to Kuke. Getting down was no easy at all, first thing we all were tired and walking down was difficult, everybody had some kind of pain. But we kept walking and walking so that before night fall down we can reach to the base. By 7:00PM we could able to end our trekking. Our vehicle was waiting down there, it was great relief to see the vehicle. Everybody started cheering and shouting. It was victory emotions. Oh God what we have done. It was unachievable but now it has been achieved, it was impossible but we made it possible. Great feeling, nothing can go wrong now kind of feeling. We can do anything kind of confidence. It was great learning, how to cope with difficulties, how to manage our sort come. Life time experience, we all will cherish this journey throughout our life.
At end of this blog let me mention our team members
Chandru Sir : Pro trekking among all of us and one of fittest person we gave him a nick horse, leaded us all way to top and in between given many tips. Very strict with time, but same time it was fun to be with him
Nagarajan : one of senior most guy but most enthusiast, if say Chandru a horse then we must say he was turtles, Slow and steady ahead all of us.
Zahid: Full of life, some time very high but some time goes to as low as like he could never finish the trek, very witty throughout the journey
Ravi: Every time when we get tired, inspire with his words, whatever is the condition we have to make it, very determine.
Sastry: what a mental strength he has, with all the physical difficulties never complaint about his pain. With all these pain he suffered during this journey taken as experience for life.
Prabhu: one of the most caring person among the lot, taken lot of responsbilty for the team. Manage team very well. Thanks for the Maggie dinner. Dressed like army man, jai jawan.
Rupak: one of the most active guy among all of us, arranged all the tent and many other necessary equipment for the trip. Without him trip would have not been possible. Thanks for that.
Arunoday: Met first time in the journey but a fun guy. After Chandru sir he was the second most experience in trekking, helped us on many occasion.
Mangal: I did manage to finish the job, not bad.
Some of the reaction from team mates:
Ravi Jayaraman
Hi Guys,
What a rush ! I finished the trek and am back home safe and sound. Yes, I am having pain. Yes, I am suffering from it. Yes, I am complaining and grumbling. But, What a rush !The 2 days trek that we had gave me an opportunity to observe everyone at close quarters and how we responded to the challenge posed at us by the mountain !The following are my observations. They may or may not be true but I leave the judgment to your discretion
Chandru – Great Trekker, to say the least ! Rupak - Efficient organizer & Strong as an Ox !
Prabhu – Organized and Compassionate to fellow trekkers Sastry – Amazing will power. Classic case of Mind Over Body.
Zahid – Razor sharp sense of humour and pushed himself to the limit Nagaraj - hats off to his determination to proceed ahead at any cost.
Mangal – His bulk belies his agility. Light on his feet Ravi - I managed to finish the trek, which I believed I would not.
Arunoday - Can be used as a case study against people who say that s**&#@ cannot trek !
Hi Guys,
Its indeed a great opportunity for me to trek. Before this I never knew what is meant by trekking? Or How trekking should be carried out? But yes after completing this unimaginable journey we learnt What is trekking all about. Over and above in spite of body in tag of war but when we reached the tip of the Kumara Parvata its amazing we are all spell bound for some time. Yes we are into the dream land of Mountain fathom with clouds all around. Its seems the fumes coming out from the hot tea cattle. And the more amazing thing is the echo that every one tried with their names. To feel this, to achieve this, to get into the lap of mother nature we have to give up all our pain and difficulties. Yes what our witty Zahid says “G**#&d Paath gea ”. G**#& paatha ke haamlog chaala oos dunea pae jaahan kuch der ke lea saab kuch bula deta haan. Yes we even forgot our own selves.
Thanks to everyone who really make this thing a great success. Its indeed great achievement in life.
One learning to achieve something “G**#&d Paathna jaaruri haan”.
Thanks & Regards,
Rupak Hazra
Hi Team,
Truly fantastic trekking experience and I could say, this is one of my life time achievement J and want to carry this sweat and sweet memory throughout….my LIFE.I thank everyone here.! Without your support and help, not sure, I can make it this journey possible.Yes…now the pain is more….but, it will greatly subside when you see this picture. Take care and we will meet soon…to start our next adventure.
Mangal Modi

Monday, August 15, 2011

15th August:Ethnic day in office

Last working day before 15th August our independence day, we people in office decided to celebrate this historic day in our way and declare its ethnic day for us. People have to come to office with Indian traditional attire, such a color full day we had in office. People were dressed with their own traditional way and looked so good in the office to see people in such avatar. We had one competition among all the team in the office. All the team has got one state to represent and give a presentation or speech about the state contribution in our freedom movement and that competition made the day more lively and fun in the office. All the team took part in this competition with full enthusiasm and passion and why not its about our national freedom struggle. And during all these we remember all our brave heart freedom fighter who has given their life for nation's freedom, for our generation , for coming many generation . And because of those courageous great freedom fighters sacrifices we have such a lovely country. Sath sath naman to them for what they did for us.

Coming back to our office environment full office has been decorated with try color our national flag color orange symbol of courage , white symbol of peace and green symbol of our prosperity. In the floor there were lot of balloon , rangolies, flowers and even some people were in try color attire as well. We were feeling our nation freedom and all around patriotic sense. People were singing patriotic songs and chanting hail Ghadhi jee, Nehru jee and VANDE MATARAM, INQULAB JINDABAD!!!!!!!

We should appreciate what we have today, we have free country, it means lot to people of the country and its has come after lot struggle and sacrifices. We should not forget that what they have done for us and it’s our time to do something for the country for our coming generation. As there is saying "no country is perfect, need to make it perfect", Every country has problem, we do have hell lot of problem but who will sort out all these problem, we, we people of India and we should take part of our country progress whatever way one can do and we will do. Its not just a holiday and chill out it’s a day of courage and sacrifice and we should learn from our great history and advance in the future with courage, integrity, honesty and lot of hard work.

Mann me liye biswas hume badhana hai aage,
rah me pag kabhi dagmaye nahi hume rehna hai hamesa jage,
lekar jana hai is desh ko us mukam tak,
jahan khusiyan hi khusiyan ho,naa bhukh ki kilkariya ho,
aao kasam khaye is desh se annyayiyon ko jad se mitaye hum milkar,
ye mere doston is desh ke khatir kuchh kar, kuch kar
Jai Hind....Happy Independence Day!!!!Vande Mataram!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Women’s Power in Indian Politics

India is democratic country and this country follow the rules of democracy, by the people, for the people,of the people. Democracy gives opportunity to the people of the country to take part in election of the government and voting for the government is the fundamental right of the citizen of the country. Last month we had elections in our five states Tamil Nadu, west Bengal, Assam and Kerala and Pondicherry and this election got very new kind of results like two women leader emergence for the top post, Mamta Banerjee in Bengal and J Jaylalitha in Tamil Nadu. After this result India got two more women chief minister after Shila Dikshit in Delhi and Mayavati in Uttar Pradesh. Now in our 28 state four states has woman chief minister this shows how Indian women are involved in our politics and day by day number of woman leader are increasing in the politics.

First we will look into the Bengal politics, Bengal is known for the one the prosperous state of our country and it has given lot of intellectuals to our country but now this state is in very bad phase, development one of slowest in the country and in spite of single party ruling this country for more than three decade and people were very frustrate with the government and all they wanted was a change and they got new hope with new generation leader as Mama Banerjee. She has rekindle the ray of new hope for the people of Bengal, She got emphatic majority in the land of one party ruling.Mamta is the first woman chief minister in the west Bengal. It was big change in the Bengal Politics and great hope on Magmata Banerjee to get back lost prosperity in the Bengal and Bengali people. She got the power and needs to deliver as she promised to the people of Bengal. Is it good sign of Indian politics or its mere a hype only time will tell?

Now in Tamil Nadu it was not first time for Jaylalitha to became chief minister she was chief minister earlier. TN politics is different from Bengal. In TN it’s the politics of money power who can spend more will win and who ever promised to give free bee to people like free rice free TV, gold for girl and laptop for the student and even five to six thousand for one vote. Buying vote is not new but the magnitude is very high. All these are people’s money. She also got big majority and ruling party come down to third largest party in the state. This is also a big change in the state politics. She emerge as queen of Chennai. Ruling party has given her very good chance to win by involving the various scams and she has capitalized in a big manner and got thumping victory. She is the one the strong lady in our Indian poltics.This is 3rd time she became chief minister of TN and people of Tamil Nadu has lot of hope from Jayalaltha. First expectation would be to curb the corruption in the state and then to implement all the promises she had during election campaign.

Now we have woman president woman head of ruling party of the country and many woman chief minister and even opposition party also has woman in the top post of the party. If so many women are coming into the top post without women reservation why need women reservation bill for the MP and MLA but this is again debatable and debate will keep going.