Sunday, November 7, 2010

American president in India

A great hype over Obama's visit to our country, all news channel are doing exclusive coverage about this high profile visits.Mr. Obama is the sixth president of America to visit India.He landed Mumbai international airport on 6th Nov. 2010.It was great hype and hope among Indian business community.Obama visiting with lot of business leader of America,doing lot of business deal with Indian Inc. in his first day visit itself he able to make a deal worth of whopping 10bn USD deal with Indian companies,that may create more then 54000 jobs in America.Recently he lost mid term election in USA,he is quite losing his hold among American,Now creating jobs through doing deals with Indian companies he trying to appease American.What I believe and most of Indian with this visit India will get less and will give more to America.Definitely this visit will give a big boost to ties between two country.Obama is great speaker,he charms people whenever he speaks,he is very skillful politician and he know how to charms and touch people heart.In India he did the same,what he is the best.World knows he is the big fan of our father of nation Mahatma Gandhi,and our fist prime minister Nehru, in all his speech he mention Gandhi and Nehru,what they did for our country and the world.he is very diplomatic whatever he says.