Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Election commission of India celebrating diamond jubilee

25th Jan 2010 , Yogidih , Bokaro
Election commission of India celebrating diamond jubilee

Today Election commission of India is celebrating diamond Jubilee. In this occasion president, vice president and Prime minister of India and all the Indian political leaders congratulated Election commission. A big get together happened in Vigyan Bhawan Delhi where all the leader of different party were present including president and vice president of India ,Prime minister Mr. Manmohan Singh , UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi Lok Sabha chairperson Mrs. Meera Kumar , leader of opposition in upper house Mrs. Sushma Swaraj and NDA convenor Sharad Yadav. Speech started with NDA convenor Sharad Yadav ,he deliver his speech in Hindi and congratulated EC and metion that EC is the pillar of Democracy and that is true, it is. Everybody were congratulating and praising EC. All political leader mentioned here that EC is the one whom they respect most and never question EC for their work. But in past there were so many time they only accused EC for bias, especially when they lose election.

60 year of age is age of a senior citizen, now we can say EC of India is no more a young it has completed its young age and now a senior citizen who has the whip to control our democracy. In this 60 year EC has dome great job through out all the election they conducted, I hope they were fair and honest. Kudos to EC. Without EC we will not be able to imagine our democracy, its pillar of our democracy . We always see that EC chief gets very hostile treatment from losing party, they make unnecessary allegation to EC and EC chief about bias or manipulation in election. But that is their Job they have to conduct election with all the integrity and honesty. We have seen so many incident when a leader treat them with disdain when they are about lose or after losing the election.

I hope and believe that EC will continue their job in similar way with all the integrity and honesty.All the political party should see and treat EC with all the respect and they should have faith on EC, that will be the best for our democracy and for our country.

22 Jan 2009 on the way to native by the train 2836(Yesvantpur-Hatia Express)

In the train on the way to my native from Bangalore after almost six month. What to write while travelling in the train but one thing for sure lot of thought comes during travelling and you feel to note down some of them so I am trying to put some thought here . Yesterday I was very excited that I will be travelling to my native after some while.
I bought one BOOK for reading during my travelling time and the BOOK title” Imaging India –ideas for the new century “ by India’s one of the most famous Entrepreneur and business man Nandan Nilekani .In this book Nandan has put all his thought for India , a new India. He has put his vision in very good manner in this book. I will suggest all to make some time and read this book. He himself says he is an accidental entrepreneur but I think he is true entrepreneur of our country. He with his mentor Mr. N R Narayna Murthy created India’s biggest IT company Infosys. And after NRN step down he has taken the company to new level. He is very famous among media as for his social vision and always takes on the social issue. Now he has retire from Infosys for a greater cause and joined central govt. as cabinet minister for UNIQUE ID project .He will lead this project .This is one the most ambitious project of UPA govt. This is the project which will provide every Indian an unique identification number in the nation.

Bihar is India's fastest growing state

Wow that was the first reaction when I read this report in news paper, Bihar has done
Something extra ordinary thing, its growth rate is 11.44 % , highest in the country. Bihar
is matching with Gujarat, which is great news for all the people Bihar and the people of the country. Experts are saying this is miracle, Bihar economy has done miracle.
If you have economy growth rate is above 7 % then its call miracle economy growth, that’s what Bihar has done and we all should appreciate the chief minister of Bihar Mr. Nitish Kumar , credit goes to him only.

Bihar is the poorest state of our country and has very bad reputation in other states .People of other state think Bihar is not a safe place to live in and in certain extend this is the fact but its changing, Bihar is changing. Bihar has got a stable government lead by Mr. Nitish Kumar. Its Bihar fortunate that they got such leader who can put law and order in place and he did. Law and order is in place hence people of Bihar praising their chief minister, not only people of Bihar Nitish Kumar is getting praise from all corner of the country. Bihar was very badly managed state by the earlier political party.
Bihar is known for a political ground for cast and religion, political party used to give more emphasis on cast and religion now it has been change and people are talking about

Nitish is getting all the praise from all the national political party ,recently he got award from a leading news channel for his work in Bihar “Business reformer of year” .He is trying hard to get investment in the Bihar from all the leading industry and that is the need as of now. Bihar is going very good as of now , growth rate is high ,miracle economy growth, but Nitish Kumar has lot of challenges ahead like poverty , flood which is curse for Bihar’s growth .

Good going Bihar, good going Nitish, we need many more leaders like you in our country.

Happy New Year 2010

First of all Happy New year to all I wish all the reader a very Happy and prosperous New Year!!!!!!!!

Today’s Times of India's Initiative Aman ki asha with Pakistan, peace with Pakistan, Love Pakistan. These words are very rare in our media and people of India. I don't know why TOI started such a
Campaign in these circumstances, just last month only we remembered our countries one of the most sad day 26/11. As whole world know 26/11 has been sponsored by Pakistan. That was not an attack on The Taj and
The Oberoi and CST that was attack on our soul of the country, they have challenged our sovereignty. Whole country was on shock for three day, People India lost their loved one, and our Jawans lost their life, this
Wound is still alive, how can we forget all these thing. How can we talk Love with Pakistan at this moment, no way? Pakistan government should get all the culprit and mastermind of these heinous act and should prosecute.
Until unless they act against of all the culprit of 26/11, talking of Love with Pakistan will be insult of all our Jawans and innocent People who died in this unfortunate event.

We India always talk about Peace and Love with Pakistan but they always baited us then why we believe now , Let them show some solemn towards India then only we should take any initiative. All Indians wants peace with
All our neighbors country including Pak but not in the cost of our innocent peoples life. We don't hate them but they keep doing thing like hating them, now we will not love them as well.
We all Indian are like peace and love but this is not the correct time to talk about the Peace and Love with Pakistan. These all are my personal view.

Jharkhand gets New Govt.

Today after almost one year India's richest state (that’s what Media says) of poor people JHARKHAND got new government, a new chief minister Sibu Soren (third time),Gurujee as he called by the followers. People of Jharkhand hopes for stable Government with Sibu Soren leadership .With in nine years of formation of Jharkhand Gurujee is the 7th chief minister of Jharkhand. People have lots of hope with this JMM-BJP-AJSU coalition Government at least political stability .Last year lot of hungama happened in this state, an independent MLA became CM and then again Gurujee comes in the power but he lost MLA election with unknown Jharkhand party and consequently lost his CM post. and then Presidential rule in the state and exposer of Madhu Koda's multi crore scam , lot of political drama. Due to all these drama missed all the development work in the state.

This year election, people of Jharkhand gave an unclear mandate, no party got majority, INC 18, BJP 23, JMM 18, AJSU 5, RJD 5. This mandate gave Gurujee a very good opportunity to become CM.People were speculating that
Gurujee will be a Kingmaker, but he was very sure he wants be King and He is King now. He has all the credit to creation of Jharkhand state; he is architect of Jharkhand state movement, now he is the King of the Jharkhand as he liked to be called. But he has to acknowledge the fact that Jharkhand is the one of the poorest state of India in terms of governance and development. Like all the politician he will also first thing talks about the development of the state, talk only not action, no idea how to develope the state (hope they know and do).He will face lot of challenges like corruption, maoist, poverty etc. In terms of Development Jharkhand has lots of potential compare to other state of India as Jharkhand is richest state in terms of mineral. 80 percent of minerals of India you will get in Jharkhand. Lots of investment opportunity in this state MNCs are in line up to invest but first you have to show them a good governance in the state.
Previous Government has signed more than 50 MOU with various company, those MOU needs to implement with all the dignity and integrity. In the name of industrial development you can't ignore the farmers interest. They have fear to loose the their land, their concern needs to be address as well.

Good Luck Gurujee and all the People of Jharkhand.!!!!!!!!!!! and Say aall izz well